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Sunday, April 20, 2008

bright afternoon on weekend

its a bright afternoon. baby recently got a cold and pumph and a doctor even warn irregularsound in his heart. yesterday i was melt in sorrow and merciness. but today he still sonaughty and sound. he recently frequently demands cares with cries, which quite annoying,including his mother upset with his cries. i enjoyed the cyberspace presence very much. but after got wired the office pc, i sometimes on the contrast lose right mood to busy with theinternet, instead, felt boring into doze and tears, resulting frequent doze in the moring.however, when i was full of energy, i enjoyed the web as usual and always be agile onposting and comment on web.

this afternoon was too bright to miss. ema busy with tutoring and earning all day while idozed all the morning and sat in front of pc all afternoon. so ema suggested bringing baby outside before dusk. i didn't went outside with baby since i was sent to my hometown for ailment in the same month of last year. we visited the place around our home, the southern sports yard and south park. the scenery was the same except some folks refused to nod me formy illness. its almost half and a year after my brought my baby haunting the places in jungle of losing thoughts in the turbulent moment before i felt into asylum at my hometownin Hubei Prov. central China.

i love the game of being mad, and being recovered. i see God's call in it. i love my babyand my peaceful life so far. no matter what a thunder ahead, i see and under God's shine.

baby son on ride of his 3 years on earth

src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yYChrrmjphc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425"


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